Application of RAPD technology for identification in three different stocks of Penaeus chinensis
摘要: 采用RAPD技术对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)、中国黄海、渤海沿岸种群(H)朝鲜半岛西海岸种群(K)和即墨健康养殖群体(S)的DNA进行检测,41个随机引、物在3个群体间共筛选到了3个稳定的RAPD标记F-02540,OPN-13800和OPN-202200,可用于群体间的鉴别,研究将为中国对虾分子标记遗传育种提供依据。Abstract: Three stocks (K,H and S) of Penaeus chinensis were analysed using 41 random oligonucleotide primers with 10 bases by RAPD method.K was from the spawning stock in the western coastal waters of Korea Peninsula;H was from the Huanghai (Yellow) Sea-Bohai Sea stock;S was from the health cultured stock in Jimo,Shandong Province.Three genetic markers which can identify the three stocks were got in this study.The study may provide the basic materials for marker assisted selection (MAS) of Penaeus chinensis.
Key words:
- Penaeus chinensis /
- RAPD technology /
- genetic marker
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