The mean excursion characteristic quantity of two-dimensional ocean waves and its application
摘要: 将Adler关于二维随机波场跨水平特征量的理论应用于二维线性随机海浪,严格导出了二维海浪波包的跨水平特征量表达式,并利用该式讨论了给定时刻二维海浪的一种几何结构——大波簇集情况。对于海面上波高均超过较高参考水平的一簇大波,给出了一个计算其中波峰平均个数的公式,它与Glazman所给出的公式不同另外还给出计算上述大波簇平均面积的公式。最后结合现有的海浪万向谱给出一些具体计算结果,并对这些结果进行了讨论。Abstract: The Adlcr's theory on the excursion characteristic quantity of two-dimension random wave.is applied to investigate a two-dimension linear ocean wave field.A expression is derived, in which the mean excursion characteristic quantity is expressed explicitly in terms of spectral moment.This expression is then used to present a formula for calculating the mean number of waves in one cluster surpassing a high reference level.This formula is somewhat different from that given by Glazman.Further, a formula for calculating the mean area per cluster of high waves is also presented.Finally, some numerical results are given by use of current directional spemrum model of ocean waves to calculate the spectral moments in the relevant formula.
Key words:
- ocean waves /
- geometry /
- wave envelope
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