Construction and implementation of RS integrated application information system of China’s coastal zone and offshore
摘要: 我国海岸带和近海的高度开发极大地促进了沿海经济的发展,也引发出一系列的资源和生态环境问题.研究和发展适用于我国海岸带及近海卫星遥感综合应用技术系统,旨在实现宏观、动态、同步监测区域资源开发和保护,以及为生态环境问题提供全新的技术支撑和协调解决整体技术方案,对此着重阐述了面向海岸带及近海卫星遥感应用技术系统的构建.本技术系统主要包括海岸带科学数据平台和信息提取模块、针对海洋过程的应用模块、我国海岸带及近海生态环境集成用户平台等,其目的是推进我国海洋遥感由研究阶段转向应用阶段,并为实现数字海洋提供技术基础.Abstract: The high exploitation of coastal zone and offshore greatly promotes the development of economy and society, but it causes a series of problems of resources and ecosystem.The research and development of integrated application techniques on remote sensing provide not only a microcosmic, trend and synchronous technical means to monitoring, but also an integrated technical scheme to harmonically solving the ecological environment problem.The system is designed to focus on the application techniques of multi-sources remote sensing data.By developing remote sensing information extraction module, integrated user platform, and application module being directed at the real ocean procedure for China's coastal zone and offshore, the information system consisting of the management of prodigious amount of data, display, analysis, simulation and output will be constructed and implemented.The final objective is to transform the research of ocean remote sensing into application.
Key words:
- coastal zone /
- satellite remote sensing /
- technical platform /
- information service system
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