南海表层水中的溶解态Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd
Dissolved Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd in the South China Sea surface waters
摘要: 于1998年“南海海洋环境调查”外业工作期间在南海的各个站位,按照严格的防沾污措施采集了106个表层海水样品.采用溶剂萃取-石墨炉原子吸收法对样品中的痕量重金属Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd含量进行了分析测试.测得各重金属的平均值如下:Cu 0.100 μg/dm3,Pb 0.060μg/dm3,Zn 0.086 μg/dm3,Cd 0.007μg/dm3,接近世界大洋水的浓度水平.各重金属的空间分布呈现出海区周边含量高于中央,浓度有自近岸向远海逐渐减小的趋势.相关分析的结果表明各重金属夏季相关性优于冬季,Cu与Cd存在良好的正相关关系,并且首次在南海表层水发现Cu,Cd与营养盐的相关关系.将重金属浓度值作数理统计分析,得到它们在南海的基线值.Abstract: A total of 106 surface water samples was collected in the South China Sea during two transects in June and December 1998.The samples were collected with strictly contamination free procedure and trace metals were mea sured by clean laboratory methods and GFAAS.The mean concentrations for the dissolved fractions are Cu 0.100μg/dm3,Pb 0.060μg/dm3,Zn 0.086μg/dm3,Cd 0.007μg/dm3,which is close to the world open oceans level. The spatial distribution of trace heavy metals shows higher concentrations in offshore area and lower concentrations in the central South China Sea,and the concentrations decrease with the distance from the offshore,which sugg ests the existence of significant continental shelf input of trace heavy metals.The correlationship among the elements is better in summer than that in winter.Cu is positively co rrelated with Cd in the two seasons and it is also found for the first time that they are positively correlated with nutrients in the South China Sea surface waters,which further indicate the biogeochemical cycle of these elements in the marine environment.The baseline value of Cu,Pb,Zn,Cd in the South China Sea surface waters is obtained through statistical analysis.
Key words:
- South China Sea /
- surface waters /
- trace heavy metals
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