Mathematical model of coastal suspended sediment transport
摘要: 根据适合大范围缓变地形情况下,不恒定、非均匀流场中随机波折绕射联合数值模式及波浪作用下的二维浅水环流方程和悬沙扩散方程,建立了波浪、潮流共同作用下二维悬沙数学模型,并将该模型应用于渤海湾北部海域,进行了波、流共同作用下航道疏浚弃土的悬沙扩散、运移及海床演变的数值模拟,为工程单位决策提供科学依据Abstract: Based on the refraction-diffraction combined numerical model of random wave in tidal current field under the condition appropriate to a mild topography on a large range,the shallow water current equations under the effect of waves and the suspended sediment diffusion equation with interactions of wave and tide current,the 2-dimensional sediment mathematical model with interactions of wave and tide current has been set up.This model in the northern sea zone of the Bohai Gulf is utilized to carry out the numerical simulations of the dredged materials.suspended sediment diffusion,transport and the evolution process of sea-bed.The results are satisfactory,which have had reliable and scientific bases for engineering organization to make a decision.
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