Numerical modelling of coastline deformation for sandy beach at downstream of a jetty
摘要: 提出了一种改进的砂质海岸岸滩演变的“一线理论”数学模型.该模型中考虑了岸滩演变过程中岸滩坡度变化的影响,并采用波浪折射、绕射和反射联合计算数学模型模拟掩护区的波浪场,提高了波浪计算的精度.实例计算表明,在验证资料比较充分的条件下,该数学模型计算结果的可靠度较高,可供实际工程规划和设计时参考使用.Abstract: A reformed numerical model based on one-line theory for beach deformation is presented.In this model, the change of slope of beach during beach procession is considered.A wave numerical model combined with wave refraction,diffraction and reflection is used to simulate wave climate to increase the numerical accuracy.The results show that the numerical model has a good precision based on enough field data.The results can be applied to real engineering.
Key words:
- sandy coast /
- coastline procession /
- one-line theory /
- numerical model /
- wave simulation
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