Ultrastructure of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis in the grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)
摘要: 用透射电子显微镜研究了鲻鱼精子发生和精子形成过程.结果表明,鲻鱼早期精巢有两种类型的精原细胞,即A型和B型,在B型精原细胞可见核旁有类核周体(nuage),可视为精原细胞向初级精母细胞发育分化的一个重要标志.初级精母细胞减数分裂早期同源染色体配对明显可见,精子细胞之间存在着间桥联系.鲻鱼成熟精子的特点是细胞核呈马蹄形,核凹较浅,核前端无顶体,核内染色质呈粗颗粒状,核膜与质膜之间有较大的空隙.中段较短,近端中心粒和远端中心粒互相垂直.精子尾部细长,横切面为典型的“9+2”双联微管结构,两侧有侧鳍Abstract: The ultrastructure of sper matog enesis and spermiog enesis in the grey mullet(Mugil cephalus) is investigated by means of transmission electron microscope.The results reveal that there are two types of spermatogonia, Type A and Type B,in the early developmental stage of testes.Nuages appear around nucleus in Type B spermatogonia,which indicates that sper matogonia are ready to develop into primary spermatocytes.Pairing of autochromo-somes is clearly observed in the early period of meiosis in the primary spermatocytes.There exist cell junctions between the two spermatids.Matured sper matozoo n is composed of head,midpiece and tail.The head has a horse-hoo-flike nucleus with a shallow nuclear hollow.There is not any acrosome in front of nucleus.Chromtin within nucleus is rough granule in shape and there is a larger space between nuclear membrane and cytoplasmic membrane. The midpiece of spermatozoon is short.The proximal centriole and distal centriole are perpendicular to each other. The tail is long and there is a pair of lateral fins along the two sides of flag ellum.The flagellum shows a typical microtube organization of "9+2" in the view of cross-section.The ultrastructural character istics and endocrine functions of the non-germinal cells,both Sertoli cell and Leydig cell,in the mullet testes are also discussed.
Key words:
- Mugil cephalus /
- spermatog enesis /
- spermiogenesis /
- ultrastructure
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