Seasonal features of the dissolved oxygen maximum in vertical distribution in the Nansha Islands
摘要: 根据“八五”、“九五”国家科技专项南沙群岛海域综合科学考察的现场调查资料,对南沙群岛海域溶解氧垂直分布最大值现象的分布特征、季节变化规律作了较为全面的分析和研究,同时比较了东海、黄海海域春、夏季溶解氧垂直分布出现的最大值现象及其特征.研究结果表明南沙群岛海域溶解氧垂直分布的最大值现象与我国东海、黄海海域的溶解氧垂直分布最大值现象无论在地理分布、深度、强度、季节性变化还是存在条件的特征化方面,均有着较大的差别.反映影响南沙群岛海域溶解氧垂直分布最大值形成的原因,均与东海、黄海海域溶解氧垂直分布最大值形成的原因有所不同Abstract: Based on the investigation information from four cruises on the Nansha Islands in May 1990,December 1993,September 1994 and July 1999,respectively,distribution featur es and seasonal variations for dissolved ox ygen maximum in vertical profile in waters of the Nansha Islands are studied.By comparing with the dissolved oxygen maximum occurred in the East China Sea and the Huanghai Sea in spring and summer,it is found that seasonal features of the dissolved oxygen maximum in the Nansha Islands differ from those in the East China Sea and the Huanghai Sea in many sides.
Key words:
- Nansha Islands /
- dissolved oxygen maximum /
- vertical distribution
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