Thermohaline structure and variation of the South China Sea in the spring and summer of 1998
摘要: 利用1998年5~8月“南海季风试验”期间“科学1”号和“实验3”号科学考察船两个航次CTD资料,分析了1998年南海夏季风暴发前后南海主要断面的温盐结构及其变化特征.观测发现,南海腹地基本被典型的南海水团所控制,但在南海东北部尤其是吕宋海峡附近,表层和次表层水明显受到西太平洋水的影响.季风暴发以后,南海北部表面温度有显著升高,升幅由西向东递减,而南海中部和南部表面温度基本没变,这使得南海北部东西向温度梯度和整个海盆南北向温度梯度均减小.北部断面表层盐度普遍由34以上降低到34以下,混合层均有所发展,是季风暴发后降水和风力加剧的结果.观测期间黑潮水跨越吕宋海峡的迹象明显但变化剧烈.4~5月,黑潮次表层水除在吕宋海峡中北部出现外,在吕宋岛以西亦有发现,表明有部分黑潮水从吕宋海峡南端沿岸向西进而向南进入南海.6~7月,次表层高盐核在吕宋海峡中北部有极大发展,但在吕宋岛以西却明显萎缩;虽然看上去黑潮水以更强的流速进、出南海,但对南海腹地动力热力结构的影响未必更大.一个超过34.55的表层高盐水体于巴拉望附近被发现,似与通过巴拉望两侧水道入侵南海的西太平洋水有关.Abstract: Based on the conductivity-temperature-depth(CTD) dataga thered by R/Vs Science 1 and Shiy an 3 during the South China Sea Monsoon Experiment(SCSMEX) IOP from May through August 1998,ther mohaline properties and their variabilities along sections in the South China Sea(SCS) are discussed.The thermohaline structure in the centr al SCS is found to be mainly controlled by the SCS water masses,while that in the northern SCS, especially adjacent to the Luzon Strait,is significantly influenced by the western Pacific(WP) water in the surface and subsurface layers.A fter the monsoon onset,SST increased in the north SCS with the amplitude decreasing east-ward,while basically unchanged in the central and south SCS,hense the zonal SST gradient in the nor theastern SCS and meridional SST gradient over the basin being weakened.The SSS decreased and mixed layer developed in the northern SCS,resulting from streng thened precipitation and wind after onset of the SCS monsoon.It seems that the Kuroshio Water spread westward through the Luzon Strait with great variation.During April to May 1998,the Kuroshio subsurface water appeared in central and northern Luzon Strait and west of Luzon Island.Part of Kuroshio Water seemed to enter the SCS southw estward along the Luzon coast.During June to July,the salt core of the NPSW in the northern Luzon Strait was extremely strengthened and extended,while the one west of the Luzon Island shrinked.Although entering and depar ting the SCS with strong ervelocity,the Kuroshio Waters impact on the SCS thermal and dynamic structures may not increase.A patch of surface salt water with salinity exceeding 34.55 is found near Palawan,which seems to be originated from the western Pacific surface water through the strait between Palawan and Luzon Islands.
Key words:
- thermohaline structure /
- variation /
- South China Sea(SCS) /
- SCS monsoon /
- onset /
- Kuroshio
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