海洋生境芽孢杆菌(Bacillus spp.)的培养条件及产生的胞外抗菌蛋白
Cultural conditions of marine Bacillus spp. and effect on produced antagonistic protein
摘要: 测试了4株海洋芽孢杆菌的培养条件对其产生抗菌蛋白的影响;提取的粗蛋白的性质以及对6种病原指示菌的抑菌活性,结果表明,4株海洋芽孢杆菌在2216E,EMB,CM培养液;15~35℃;NaCl浓度0%~5%;pH3~9的条件下均能生长,适宜生长温度20~28℃;NaCl浓度1%~3%;pH5~8.菌株分别培养84~108h抑菌活性最强.(NH4)2SO4沉淀抗菌粗蛋白的最适饱和度为50%~70%.粗蛋白对病原菌尤其对病原真菌具有强烈的抑制作用.粗蛋白性质稳定,对高温和蛋白酶不敏感.Abstract: The antagonistic protein production, which inhibits 6 species fungi and bacteria from marine Bacillus spp., and the cultural conditions such as temperature, fermentation peried, NaCl concentration and pH of 4 strians marine bacter ia are studied.The result of test shows that suittable factor for both bacteria growth and antimicrobial substance produce are 20~28, 84~108 h, NaCl 1%~3%, pH5~8.Concentration of ammonium sulfate between 50% and 70% is the most fitting saturation for antagonistic protein precipitability.The proteins are insensitive to heat and protein and have high inhibitory value to pathogenetic fungi.
Key words:
- marine Bacillus spp /
- cultural conditions /
- antagonistic protein /
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