Numerical simulation of characteristics of semidiurnal tidal waves in sea region around Taiwan
摘要: 用1997版POM海洋模式,首次应用于环台湾岛海域的潮波数值研究.得到该海域的半日潮波主要为23°N以南西太平洋传来的胁振潮.影响台湾海峡的半日潮波分别由海峡南北口传入的两支潮波,且北支强于南支.福建沿岸湄州湾-兴化湾为最强潮区,其M2分潮最大振幅可达240cm.最强潮流区位于澎湖水道,M2分潮最大潮流达196cm/s.环台湾岛海域潮波潮流水平结构上除海峡北部原有一个圆流点外,还发现另外存在4个新的圆流点.潮流垂直结构上主要为右偏,接近底层处为左偏.Abstract: POM 97, an oceanic model, has been used for the first time to the numerical study on the tidal waves of the sea reg ions around Taiwan.In this paper, we have got the result that the semidiurnal tidal waves of these area mainly are the co-operating tide which comes from the south of 23°N of the western Pacific.Those semidiurnal tidal waves which affect the Taiwan channel come respectively from the south and the north entrance of the channel, and the north one is stronger than the south's.The strongest tidal field is the area from the Meizhou Bay to the Xinhua Bay along the coast of Fujian Province, where the biggest amplitude of the M2 partial tide can reach 240 cm.The strongest tidal current fields lie in Lake Penghu water course, where the maximum velocity of the M2 partial tide can arrived at 196m/s.In the hor izontal structure of the tidal currents, we have found that there is a stream dot in the north of the channel, besides, there still exist four new ones.As for the vertical structure, it mainly bias to right; and near the bottom layer, it bias to left.
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