Geochemistry of rare earth element in sediments at HY126EA1 hole in the continental shelf of the East China Sea
摘要: HY126EA1孔沉积物稀土元素总量(∑REE)变化范围不大,分布范围为123.45~187.12μg/g,平均值为164.07μg/g,接近于全球沉积物平均稀土元素含量(150~300μg/g)的下限,高于黄海、东海表层沉积物的平均含量,低于渤海、南海表层沉积物的平均含量.各类沉积物以及不同时期同类沉积物的稀土元素标准化曲线的变化趋势非常一致,表明这些沉积物具有相同的物源区.∑REE,δEu和δCe在垂向上具有明显变化,反映了沉积物源区气候环境的阶段性变化.Abstract: The total content of rare earth element(∑REE)ranges from 123.45 to 187.12 μg/g in sediments of HY126EA1 hole.The average content of ∑REE is 164.07 g/g,approaches the average content of ∑REE in sediments in the world,and is similar to that of surface sediments in the Huanghai Sea,the Bohai Sea and the East China Sea.The change trend of standard curves of ∑REE has no difference in various types of sediments,and the same kind of sediment at different time.It suggests that the sediments of HY126EA1 hole come from the same material source.∑REE,Eu and Ce have obvious change in vertical,which may reflect the stage change of climatic environment in sediment source area.
Key words:
- continental shelf of East China Sea /
- HY126EA1 hole /
- rare earth element
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