Geochemical characteristics of sediments from the middle Okinawa Trough since the latest pleniglacial period and periodic characteristics of its sediment sources
摘要: 测定了冲绳海槽DGKS9603孔21个样品中黏土粒级沉积物的常、微量元素组分,利用因子分析的方法,识别出对冲绳海槽中段沉积物物源有重要影响的陆源成因因子、生物成因因子及火山作用和海底热液因子.陆源成因因子的元素组合为Fe2O3,Al2O3,V等惰性元素及K2O,MgO等氧化物;生源因子的元素组合为CaO,Sr,Ba,Mn,P;火山和海底热液成因因子的元素组合为Na,Co,Ni.据样品的因子得分将柱样由上而下划分出物源的4个不同阶段:A段生物成因因子得分高,沉积物质主要是本地生物沉积,但也有富含生物成因物质的陆源物质的贡献;B段火山作用所产生的沉积物质特征显著,Na,Co,Ni呈现高含量;C段以陆源物质和生源物质沉积混杂为特征,元素垂向上变化不大;D段主要为陆源物质,其他来源物质相对较少,且可能主要来自在末次冰期最盛期所出露的陆架沉积.提出了冲绳海槽物源具有阶段性的论点.由于末次盛冰期以来全球气候呈现冷暖交替的阶段性变化,本区物源的阶段性变化是这一时期气候和古环境阶段性变化的良好反映.Abstract: Chemical compositions of 21 sediment samples from Core DGKS9603 taken in the middle Okinawa Trough are analyzed by ICP-AES.The characteristics of 18 elements are analyzed.By means of correlation analysis and factor analysis,five factors(F1,F2,F3,F4,F5)are acquired and sorted into three major factors.The first factor(F1),which includes the elements of Fe,Al,V and K,Mg,Rb,etc.,stands for the sediments or iginated from the continent source(for example:the Huanghe River or continental shelf).The second factor(F2,F3)is biogenetic derivation factor,including Ca,Sr,Ba,Mn and P.The third factor(F4,F5)indicates that sediment compositions are contr olled by volcanism and hydrothermal fluid in the trough,and the element combination of this factor is Na,Co and Ni.Core DGKS9603 can be divided into four sections based on the factor scores of the samples.In Section A the score of the second factor is high and biogenetic sediments are the major source of this section,and also a little material maybe comes from land source.In Section Bthe contents of Na,Co and Ni are higher than those in other sections and the sediments of this section are derived from volcanic activities,including volcanism eruption and hydrothermal activities.In Section C the variety of element contents is small.Terrigenous and biogenetic compositions comprise the sediments.Section Dischiefly composed of terrigenous material that may come from the continental shelf exposed to the air during the latest pleniglacial.These four parts with different sediment sources in this core are coincident with the change of paleoclimate and paleoenvironments,the periodic change of material source corresponds the change of paleoclimate and paleoenvir onments.
Key words:
- Okinawa Trough /
- clay-grained minerals /
- material source /
- chemical elements /
- factor analysis
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