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效存德 孙俊英 秦大河 田立德 WhitlowS StievernardM

效存德, 孙俊英, 秦大河, 田立德, WhitlowS, StievernardM. 南太平洋降水中MSA的纬度分布及其分解的气温敏感性[J]. 海洋学报, 2001, 23(3): 112-116.
引用本文: 效存德, 孙俊英, 秦大河, 田立德, WhitlowS, StievernardM. 南太平洋降水中MSA的纬度分布及其分解的气温敏感性[J]. 海洋学报, 2001, 23(3): 112-116.
XIAO Cun-de, SUN Jun-ying, QIN Da-he, TIAN Li-de, WHITLOW S, STIEVERNARD M. Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2001, 23(3): 112-116.
Citation: XIAO Cun-de, SUN Jun-ying, QIN Da-he, TIAN Li-de, WHITLOW S, STIEVERNARD M. Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature[J]. Haiyang Xuebao, 2001, 23(3): 112-116.


基金项目: 国家科技攻关计划资助项目(980-927-01-05);国家自然科学基金委员会资助项目(49971021,40071025);中国科学院资助项目(KZ951-A1-205,KZCX2-303)

Latitudinal distribution of MSA in precipitation over the southern Pacific Ocean and the sensitivity of its decomposition to temperature

  • 摘要: 对“中国第12次南极考察队”南太平洋航线上降水样品中MSA的分析指出,MSA含量由赤道海域向高纬海域呈递增趋势,其中在15°S附近海域以及60°~65°S之间表现为突然上升,正好对应上升洋流区.MSA/nssSO42-比率与δD密切相关,显示MSA向nssSO42-的转化速率敏感地依赖于温度变化.
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  • 收稿日期:  2000-04-28
  • 修回日期:  2000-09-04


