RAPD analysis of the reared and wild Pseudosciaena crocea
摘要: 采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术对取自宁德官井洋闽—粤东族大黄鱼的野生种群和养殖群体进行遗传多样性分析.结果表明,野生种群的平均多态性为18.9%,平均遗传差异度为0.0960;养殖群体的分别为16.7%和0.0747;野生种群与养殖群体之间的相似系数为0.9959,遗传距离为0.0041.分析结果表明官井洋大黄鱼野生种群和养殖群体遗传多样性水平较低的主要原因在于过度捕捞、有效繁育群体数量偏少及值得探讨的人工放流等.提出官井洋大黄鱼仍具有一定的变异潜力,尽快采取有效的管理保护措施,可以保持乃至提高大黄鱼现有的遗传多样性水平.Abstract: Genetic diversity of DNA in both reared and wild large yellow croaker P.crocea(Richardson)stocks collected from Bay Sandu'ao in Ningde on May 29,1999 is analyzed by RAPD.The DNA genetic diversity of wild population is relatively low,with 18.98% of the polymorphism and 0.096 0 of the mean difference.However,the genetic diversity of reared stock is lower than that of the wild one with just 16.7% of the polymorphism and 0.074 7 of the mean difference.The results from the practical fish culture and the this study reveal that genetic diversity of both P.crocea stocks has seriously been lost since the 1990 s.In order to protect and use the good genetic characteristics of P.crocea cont inuously,some suggestions are conducted.
Key words:
- Pseudosciaena crocea /
- cenetic diversity /
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