Characteristics of varions and interrelations of biogenic elements in the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass
摘要: 根据“中韩黄海水循环及物质通量合作研究”项目的现场调查资料,对黄海冷水域生源要素的分布变化特征及其相互关系进行了探讨。结果表明,黄海冷水团存在期间,上层水体中的营养盐由于浮游植物的摄取而几乎被耗尽,但在密度跃层以下因有机物分解使营养盐再生而逐步累积。溶解氧、pH和叶绿素a的层化现象亦十分明显,并在中层(20~30m)形成最大值层。生源要素断面分布中等值线的起伏趋势或马鞍形形态表明,黄海冷水团中的垂直环流存在将底层冷水向上扩散的趋势。此外,对影响生源要素的含量、分布及其季节变化的因素,以及生源要素之间的相互关系进行了分析探讨。Abstract: The characteristics of vertical profiles and seasonal variations of biogenic elements in the Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass (HSCWM) are discussed based on the field data of the project China-Korea Joint Research on the Seawater Circulation and Mass Flux in the Huanghai Sea.The results show that nutrients are generally depleted by phytoplankton in the upper layer,but enriched in the depth below pycnocline rather than the euphotic zone throughorganism decomposition during the stratified period in the HSCWM.The stratification is also very obvious in vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen,pH and chlorophyll,with high content in the upper layer and low content in the lowerlayer.The maximum values occur in the middle layer (20~30 m) for DO in the period from May to October andpH in May and July,which are resulted from the coaction of thermocline and intensive photosynthesis due to subsurface chlorophyll maximum in the same layer.The factors influencing the content and distributions of biogenic elements and their interrelationships are also discussed and analyzed.
Key words:
- Biogenic element /
- vertical profile /
- Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass
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