Influence of initializing on the sea surface wind field numerical forecasting model in limited areas
摘要: 在一个已应用于海洋要素预报的有限区域海面风场预报模式的基础上,以渤海海域为实验海区,研究初始化方案对有限区域海面风场数值预报模式的影响。对“未采用初始化”与“采用初始化”方法进行了预报实验比较,结果表明,初始化方法对有限区域海面风场模式作用明显,尤其是海面风场的开始阶段,主要体现在海风与陆风预报能力的差异上。Abstract: On the base of the sea surface field numerical forecasting model which has been used in forecasting themarine elements,on the Bohai Sea,“initializing" and “non-initializing" are compared through a contrast experiment.The results show that the influence of initializing is very important to sea surface field numerical model in limited areas,especially the wind field or the sea at the beginning periods that can be seen from the different ability of forecasting between sea wind and land wind.
Key words:
- Limited areas /
- sea surface wind field /
- initializing
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