Large scale characteristics of interannual variability of sea surface temperature in the South China Sea
摘要: 通过对COADS海洋气象资料的分析,得出南海表层水温(SST)年际变化的若干大尺度特征.结果表明:南海SST年际具有一定的准周期性,其显著周期为24~30个月;南海SST年际变化与年循环之间有着一种锁相关系,关键位相在于北半球冬春季节;南海典型冷暖年份合成SST距平场的时空结构十分相似;在年际时间尺度上,南海SST和南方涛动指数有反相关系,与经向风海面热收支之间有同位相关系;南海暖池面积指数的年际变化与南海SST年际变化一致.Abstract: The marine meteorological data in the South China Sea(SCS) which were derived from COADS are analyzed.The results indicate that interannual variability of sea surface temperature(SST) in the SCS holds a quasiperiodical feature.There is a so-called phase-locking relationship for SST between the annual cycle and interannual variability.The fields of composite SST anomalies in abnormal cold and abnormal warm years are similar not only spatially but also temporally.On the interannual time scale, SST, sea level wind and surface heat budget share a common variation, as well as the index of the warm water pool in the SCS.
Key words:
- Phase-locking /
- South China Sea warm pool /
- interannual variability
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