Diagnosis of interannual and interdecadal variation in SST over Indian-Pacific Ocean and numerical simulation of their effect on Asian summer monsoon
摘要: 运用EOF分析方法,对近50a的印度洋-太平洋SST的年际、年代际变化特征进行了分析,并在此基础上进行了数值试验.研究表明:在近50a中,SST的第一气候模态与年代际尺度变化相对应,并经历了两次气候突变,分别在1956年和1976年前后.第二气候模态与ENSO事件相对应,其空间分布反映了厄尔尼诺发生时SST的异常分布.中国东部降水以及亚洲季风异常不仅与ENSO事件有关,而且受到年代际气候背景场的影响.诊断和模拟结果具有较好的一致性.Abstract: The interannual and interdecadal variation in SST over Indian-Pacific Ocean for recent 50 years was investigated in term of EOF method.Then the numerical experiment was made based on the result of above diagnosis.The results display that the EOFl of SST shows interdecadal variation with two sudden climate changing in 1956 and 1976, the EOF2 correspond to ENSO events.The precipitation variation over the east part of China and Asian summer monsoon anomaly are affected not only by ENSO events but also by the interdecadal background of SST.The results of diagnosis and numerical experiment are better similar each other.
Key words:
- Interannual and interdecadal variation /
- EOF /
- Asian summer monsoon /
- numerical experiment /
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