A model with interaction of tide and surge for Xiamen Harbor
摘要: 建立一个适合台湾海峡及小港湾,特别是能够反映小港湾的漫滩及潮汐、风暴潮耦合效应的数值模型,对小港湾风暴潮进行数值预报,有重要的社会和经济意义.文中以厦门港作为小港湾研究区域,在漫滩、风暴潮的耦合、开边界条件等方面对小港湾风暴潮数值计算作了一定的尝试,提出了一种能够模拟小港湾台风增水,潮位和流场变化情况的途径.Abstract: It will be valuable to develop a storm surge model which can fits small harbor and Taiwan Strait, especially which involves the flooded areas and interaction of the tide and surge.Taking Xiamen Harbor as its domain area, a model with flooded area, interaction of tide surge and new open boundary condition has been developed.This model indicates a available strategy, which can makes storm surge simulation more accurately in little estuary and bay.
Key words:
- Storm surge /
- nested grids /
- interaction model /
- Xiamen Harbor
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