The dynamical sedimentation and the balance of sediment erosion and deposition in the Jiantiao Harbor of Zhejiang Province
摘要: 根据浙江健跳港实测水文泥沙和港道底部高程资料,分析了健跳港动力沉积过程及其港道的冲淤平衡机理。健跳港受潮流动力作用,大潮冲刷,小潮淤积,港道底部冲刷,湖滩淤积,随着空间上的冲淤变化,岸坡逐渐变陡,最终失去平衡,发生滑塌,形成潮滩与港道底部之间的动态平衡。Abstract: Based on the measured hydyographic data, analyzed results of sampled sediment, and the bottom elevation data in the Jiantiao Harbor, the dynamic sedimentation processes and the balance mechanism of erosion and deposition are discussed. It is pointed out that the sediments are eroded during the spring tide and deposited during the neap tide, the bottom of the harbor is eroded and the tidal flat is deposited under the action of the tidal currents. With the change of the erosion and deposition in the space, the slope of the harbor coast is steeped and finally becomes, unbalanced, the slope of the coast slides and collapses, which results in the new balance botween the tidal flat and the harbor bottom.
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