The fluorine enrichment mechanics of antarctic krill Ⅰ. The fluorine chemical formation
摘要: 通过对南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba)进行活体生长培养,对其不同部位及生长过程中不同阶段样品进行了氟的形态赋存分析,研究表明磷虾中90%的氟集中在甲壳中,在其生长脱壳周期中,甲壳和肌肉中的氟含量呈相对应的周期性变化,在脱壳后最初新甲壳和肌肉中氟含量较低,通过生物主动吸收,海水中氟迅速被有效吸收和转化,而磷虾所吸收的氟最终又以存在于旧甲壳中随磷虾脱壳而丢失。在磷虾的生长周期中甲壳和肌肉中的不同化学形态氟赋存变化充分证明了这一点。最后提出了磷虾富氟机制的一个过程模式。Abstract: The different formal fluorine in different parts of molting process of krill were analyzed by culture of antarctic krill(E. Superba). The results show that fluorine amount in cuticle is up to 90%, of total in the krill. During the krill molting process, the fluorine content in curicle and muscle vary alternatively. This is, the fluorine content in new cuticle and muscle is very lower after molted, the fluorine in krill comes from seawater by biological absorbed of the krill, and the absorbed fluorine by krill lost with the old cuticle at the end stage of molting process. Measwhile, the new molting process starts again. At the last the authors propose the fluorine enriching process model of antarctic krill.
Key words:
- Antarctic krill /
- fluorine enrichment /
- chemical species
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