Velocity and transport of the zonal current in the Luzon Strait
摘要: 分析和计算了吕宋海峡PR21断面最近海洋调查的部分CTD资料和ADCP资料,再一次证明吕宋海峡常年存在纬向流。但对于天气尺度而言,该流型是多变的。根据高分辨率的海洋环流数值模式4a(1992~1996年)海平面高度(SSH)的输出值,运用地转关系估计了吕宋海峡纬向流的月平均值。研究表明;通过海峡流入、流出南海纬向流的深度一般达到500m左右,200m以上流速较大,平均流速为50cm/s,最大时达80cm/s以上。500m以下的纬向地转流流速较小,通常小于10cm/s.由大洋进入海峡的入流位置位于海峡的中部和南部,月平均入流最大值出现在11月,为50cm/s.位于海峡的北部和南部上层海洋的月平均出流,最大流速亦出现在11月,也为50cm/s,这与秋季北赤道流分叉位置最北(15°N),春季分叉位置最南(14°N)有关。上层流入、流出海峡的流量的月平均值分别约为10×106m3/s和5×106m3/s.当东北季风盛行时(从10月到翌年2月),流入海峡的流量远大于流出海峡的流量,两者的差可达8×106m3/s,而在其他季节两者的差仅为3×106m3/s.这说明东北季风盛行时,会有较多的水从南海南?Abstract: Some New data of CTD and ADCP, observed along PR21 Sections in the Luzon Strait, are analyzed and calculated. It is proved again that there always are zonal currents in the Luzon Strait, but the zonal currents are great varearions in the synoptic time scale. The monthly averages 0(the zonal geostrophic current velocity and transport of upper layer ocean in the Luzon Strait are calculated based on sea surface height from 1992 to 1996, which is the output of the ocean circulation model with high resolution. Those results reveal that in the Luzon Strait, the zonal currents [inflow and outflow from the South China Sea (SCS)] clear appear above 500 m; the greater current speed appears above 200 m; the average of the current speed is 50 cm/s, and the maximum current speed is above 80 cm/s, below 500 m the current speed is less than 10 cm/s. The monthly average inflow from the Pacific to the locates at the middle and the south of the strait, and its maximum current speed is about 50 cm/s and appears irt the Nov. The monthly average outflow from the SCS to the Pacific locates at the north and south of the strait, and its maximum current speed is about 50 cm/s and appears in the Nov. Too. It is related with the Bifurcation of the North Equatiorial Current, which locates at the most north (15°N) in autumn and the most south (14°N) in spring. The monthly averaga transport of the inflow and outflow are 10×106 m3/s and 5×106m3/s, respectively. When the predominant wind is the northeaster (from Oct. To Feb.), the inflow transport is larger than outflow, the difference between inflow and outflow is 8×106 m3/s;but it is only about 3×106 m3/s in other seaaons. It means that the more water outflows from other straits in south of the SCS.
Key words:
- Luzon Strait /
- monthly average /
- zonal current /
- transport
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