Study on the biological oceanography characteristics of planktoniccopepods in the waters north of Taiwan island Ⅱ. Community characteristics
摘要: 在对台湾以北海域浮游桡足类生物海洋学特征进行数量分布方面的研究后的续篇,重点对本海区浮游挠足类的群落结构和群落性质以及与栖区环境条件间的关系作了分析探讨。结果表明,本区桡足类群落结构种类组成复杂,出现种类共237种,但周年共有种比例仅占32%.桡足类群落的多样度和均匀度年均值各为3.714和0.690,在平面分布上呈外部海区高于近岸海区的大体趋势。本区群落可划分为5个生态类群,其中暖水性外海高温偏低盐类群和热带大洋高温高盐类群可分别指示台湾海峡水和黑潮表层水的季节消长过程。从不同侧面的计算分析均表明,冬季在环境条件上均有异于其他3季。在春、夏、秋季,以普通波水蚤最具优势,盐度是影响群落特征值的主导因子,群落的性质是以暖水性外海种类为主、热带大洋种也占相当比例的亚热带-热带群落结构的特点;在冬季,主要优势种是海洋真刺水蚤,温度是群落特征值的主要制约因子,群落呈现以热带大洋种占支配地位的热带大洋群落结构属性。Abstract: The paper is the succession of the study on abundance distribution of planktonic copepods in the waters north of Taiwan Island, and the constructions and features of copepod community and the relationships with water environment are analyzed and discussed. The results show that totals of 237 species are identified and the construction of community is complex. The percentage of annual present species is only 32%.The mean values of diversity and evenness of the copepod community are 3.714 and 0.690 respectively, and their horizontal distribution patterns are higher in outshore area than in nearshore area. The copepods of the area can be divided into five ecotypes. The warm-water outshore high-temperature and lower-saline group and tropic oceanic high-temperature and high-saline group can indicate the seasonal changes of the Taiwan Strait water and the Kuroshio surface water respectively. According to the various aspects of calculation and analysis, winter is different from other three seasons in environmental conditions. In spring, summer and autumn, Undinula tralgaris is the most dominant species and salinity is the main factor that affects the community feature values. The communities in the three seasons have the subtropic-tropic characteristics in which warm-water outshore species are dominant and tropic oceanic species occupy also certain proportion. And in winter, the dominant species is Euchaeta marina and the temperature is the trtain factor influencing the community feature values. The community has the tropic oceanic chuacteristics in which tropic oceanic species are dominant.
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