The feeding habits and growth of larval, juvenile and young Lateolabrax japonicus
摘要: 分析了花鲈仔、稚、幼鱼的摄食习性与生长.结果表明,在水温为15.5~16.5℃时,花妒仔鱼孵出约140h左右开口摄食,开口饵料为小型臂尾轮虫.全长10mm左右的仔鱼可摄食卤虫幼体,全长11mm左右的个体可摄食枝角类.对431尾仔、稚、幼鱼观察结果,在实验条件下其摄食率高达99.1%,胃饱满系数波动于2.38%~16.48%之间,日摄食指数在45%~60%.其摄食强度具明显的昼夜节律,以16:00~20:00胃饱满度最高.仔、稚鱼夜间基本不摄食,部分幼鱼个体少量摄食.仔、稚、幼鱼个体间生长速度具有一定的差异性.其体重与摄食量的关系符合直线方程y=0.1018+8.3261×10-2x;全长与体重的相关关系可用ω=1.6473×10-3L3.4743表示,全长与日龄的关系式为Lt=5.5242e1.9681×10-2D;体重与日龄的回归方程为ω=0.5836e6.9208×10-2D.Abstract: The feeding habits and the growth of larval,juvenile and young Lateolabrax japonicus are dealt with,The result shows that the larva began to feed about 140 h from hatching at water temperature of 15,5-16.5℃.The initial diet is small Brachionus,The naupliar larva of Chirocephalus can be fed when the larva attained about 10 mm in total length,The Cladocera can be fed when the total length of the larva was about 11 mm,Based upon the determination of 431 individuals,the percentage of stomach with food was 99,1%and the plump coefficient of stomath was 2,38%-16.4896 in the experimental conditions,The diel feeding amount was 45%-60% of the body weight of larval,juvenile and young fish,Rhythm of feeding intensity is obviously different during the day and night,the higher feeding intensity is at 16:00 and 20:00 p,m,Nothing can be fed in the darkness of night during the larval and juvenile stages,and the young fishes can feed a few in the same condition,There are certain differences in growth between the individuals of the larval,juvenile and young fish,The relationship between the feeding amount and body weight is expressed as y=0.1018+8.3261×10-2x,that between the total length and body weight is expressed ω=1.6473×10-3L3.4743 that between total length and day age can be expressed as Lt=5.5242e1.9681×10-2D and that between the body weight and the day age is expressed ω=0.5836e6.9208×10-2D.
Key words:
- Lateolabrar japonicus /
- larval /
- juvenile and young fish /
- feeding habits
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