Atmospheric input of aerosols to the eastern seas of China
摘要: 根据中国东部海域气溶胶浓度及分级采样资料,计算得出黄海、东海及日本以南海域沙尘气溶胶的代表元素铝(Al)每月干沉降通量分别为42.8、18.3、5.2mg/m2;其中各海域春季的干沉降通量均占全年干沉降通量的40%以上.相应每月总沉降通量分别为54.1、29.8、10.5mg/m2.渤海、黄海、东海及日本以南海域每年沙尘气溶胶总沉降通量分别为26.4、9.3、5.1、1.8g/m2.东海污染元素总沉降通量以春季最大,夏、秋季次之,冬季最小.日本以南海域锑(Sb)元素总沉降通量的季节分布为冬季最大,夏、秋季次之,秋季最小;硒(Se)元素总沉降通量的最大值出现在夏季,其他季节分布比较均匀.Abstract: The atmospheric input of aerosols from the continent of Asia to the eastern seas of China are investigated,using aerosol data collected over the Huanghai Sea,the East China Sea and the sea area south to Japan,The main results are as follows:the monthly mean dry deposition fluxes of aluminium-a representative element of dust over the Huanghai Sea,the East China Sea and the sea area south to Japan are 42.8,18.3 and 5.2 mg/m2 respectively; the corresponding monthly mean total deposition fluxes are 54.1,29.8 and 10.5 mg/m2,The annually mean atmospheric depositions of dust aerosol to the Bohai Sea,the Huanghai Sea,the East China Sea and the sea area south to Japan are 26.4,9.3,5,1 and 1.8 g/m2 respectively,Over the East China Sea,the seasonal pattern of the total deposition flux for pollution element is the highest in spring,moderate in autumn and winter,and the lowest in summer,Over the sea area south to Japan,the highest total deposition flux of Sb appeared in winter,moderate in summer and spring,and the lowest in autumn; the highest total deposition flux of Se appeared in summer.
Key words:
- Aerosol /
- dry deposition velocity /
- deposition flux /
- East China Sea
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