Molecular identification of red tide toxic Alexandrium tamarense Aexandrium catenella from the South China Sea
以核糖体rDNAITS为分子指标,采用RFLP及序列分析方法对南海海域Alexandrium catenella和Alexandrium tamarense进行分析和鉴定,并通过与日本海域不同海区A.tenella和A.tamarense的比较,得出A.catenella或A.tamarense的不同地理株的种内个体间ITS区序列非常相似,而种间序列则有显着差异,表明了ITS区用于不同海区A.catenella和A.tamarense种间鉴定是一个较稳定的指标.可看出,ITS区的研究从一个新的角度为海洋微藻种的界定提供了很好的依据.
Abstract:The rDNA internal transcribed spacer and 5.8s regions of 7 strains of Alexandrium "tamarense complex" were amplified with the method of PCR amplification with individual cells for RFLP analysis and sequensing. PCR-RFLP analysis of rDNA ITS using three restriction enzymes revealed 7 strains carried unique restriction patterns and were in common with those of Japanese A.catenella.The sequence comparisons of three strains(ADOl, AHOl, ANO1) with the homologous sequences of Japanese A. catenella and A.tamarense determined by Masao Adachi et al.in 1996 showed that three strains from the South China Sea with those Japanese A.catenella were closely related to each other, distance values between strains were extremely low(<0.01), whereas distance values between three strains and Japanese A.tamarense were high(about 0.20), which suggested that 7 strains from the South China Sea were the species of A.catenella.It was concluded that rDNA ITS region could served as criteria for the "red tide" species identification.
Key words:
- Molecular identification /
- Aleaandrium tamarense
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