Standing crop and productivity of the benthic microflora living on tidal flats of the Xiangshan Bay
摘要: 作者于1992年2、5、6、8和10月在象山港湖头渡,5月和6月在大佳河(港顶部)、西沪港(港中部)和横山(近港口区)4条断面潮滩进行了底栖微型藻现存生物量和初级生产力的观测研究.结果表明,潮滩表层叶绿素a浓度分布具有明显的空间区域性和时间变异性特征.港顶部的浓度高于港中部和近港口区;滩面表层的平均叶绿素a浓度,5月[(10.36±8.08)μg/g湿重]高于6月[(2.94±1.21)μg/g湿重].由于光的限制,沉积物中的叶绿素a主要分布在表层0~1cm,随深度的增加浓度下降,但其降解产物──脱镁叶绿素的浓度却增大.松软、平整、稳定的滩面有利于底栖微型藻类的生长,5、6月湖滩表层平均初级生产力(45.1±46.8)mg/(m2·h)(C).湖头渡潮滩叶绿素a浓度以夏季最高,春、秋季次之,冬季最低;初级生产力仍以夏季最高,春、冬季较低,秋季最低.Abstract: The observations on standing crop and productivity of the benthic microflora living on tidal flats of the Xiangshan Bay, Zhejiang have been carried out in 1992. Four tonal representative transects on the flats, i. e.,(a) Dajiahe(near apex of the bay),(b) Xihugang(in the middle-southern bay),(c) Hutoudu(in the middle-northern bay) and(d) Hengshan(near the bay mouth), were selected in the observations during May and 7une, and the additionally seasonal observations(in February, August and October) at Hutoudu tidal flat transect were also conducted. The results obtained show that there are pronounced spatial and seasonal variations of chlorophyll a concentrations at the surface of the tidal flats, i. e.,the concentrations are higher at near apex than at the middle and near the mouth of the bay, and those are higher in May [(10. 36±8.08)μg/g] than in June [(2.94±1.21)μg/g]. The chlorophyll a concentrations at the surface of the sediments are high, and rapidly decrease with the depth, due to the light limiration, but the concentrations of phaeopigments increase. The average primary productivity of the benthic microflora is(561±385) mg/(m2·d)(C) in May and(535±171 μg) /(m2·d)(C) in 7une, which is higher than the average productivity of phytoplankton in the water column. On the tidal flats of Hutoudu, the highest chlorophyll a concentration occurred in August [(15. 26±19.08)μg/g], the lowest in February(4.24 μg/g), and the primary productivity was the highest in August[(2584±2431)mg/(m2·d)(C)] and the lowest in October [(181±179)mg/(m2·d)(C)].
Key words:
- Chlorophyll a /
- primary productivity /
- benthic microflora /
- Xiangshan Bay /
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