Applied study of fluorescence technique on marine environment
摘要: 笔者研制成功的4种不同用途、类型的水中荧光计在海洋、江河水体混合扩散实验研究中的应用,利用这种仪器先后完成了近20处大、中型水域环境评价工程任务,海洋水体中微量油分的测量实验研究,海洋中浮游植物体内叶绿素a浓度现场测量实验研究;并通过改换拖曳荧光计的荧光测量滤光片为中性滤光片,首次在国内东海、黄海倾废区分别进行了较大规模的海洋倾倒悬浮污染物(粉煤灰、碱渣)的海洋深层追踪现场测量实验研究,获得令人满意的结果.同时,还简述了荧光测量法的原理、优点及水中荧光计的结构.用荧光法测量海中物质是近代发展的一种简便、快速、灵敏度高、用途广泛的测量新技术,在海洋环境检测中有着极其重要的应用价值.Abstract: Four type of in-water fluorometers were successfuly developed by authors in the past few years and applied widely to marine and river water mixing experiment; large or middle water area environment evaluation; trace oil in water and in situ marine phytoplankton chlorophyl a concentration measurment. In the dumping area of water in the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea, we used the towing fluorometes are used, changing its fluorescence filter with neutral filter, for deep tracking measurment of suspended dumping material (coal ash, powder and alkali residue).It is first experiment in home and the experimeat results are satisfactory also. Fluorometry principle, advantage and underwater floor-ometer construction are described. Today, fluorimetry measuring in water material is a simple, quick, high sensitive and wide applicable measurment technique. It will plays the very important role in marine measurement in future.
Key words:
- Fluorescence technique /
- marine enmronment /
- application
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