Remote sensing composite information’s trend surface analysis of Nansha Islands coral islets and reefs’ top
摘要: 基于南沙海域区域地质构造的控制与珊瑚岛礁发育及其所表观的遥感信息特征,借助数学模型和电子计算机,以遥感复合信息所建立的趋势面分析系统,模拟了南沙珊瑚岛礁顶部地理数据的空间分布及其区域性变化趋势,从而对南沙珊瑚岛礁的空间分布特征作出科学的解释与区域比较.Abstract: Based on the remote sensing information feature of Nansha coral islets and reefs that controlled by the Nansha Islands local area's geological structure and growth law, by means of mathematical model and PC, the Nansha Islands coral islets end reefs' top geological data' spatial distribution end local change trend are simulated by using the trend surface system on the remote sensing composite information, and a scientific interpretation and local comparison of Nansha coral islands and islets' spatial distribution feature are made.
Key words:
- Nansha Islands /
- coral reefs /
- remote sensing /
- geomorphology /
- trend surface /
- mathematical model
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