A two-layer simple baroclinic ocean model and its simulations of ocean currents in winter and summer
摘要: 设计了一个两层简单斜压海洋模式(H1=501,H1+H2=250m),利用1月和7月多年平均的海平面气温场、海平面气压场和由该气压场诊断出的海面风场,对此模式的性能进行了检验.结果表明,模拟得出的冬、夏季海洋表层及次表层流与实况较为一致.Abstract: A two-layer simple baroclinic ocean model is developed (H1=501,H1+H2=250m). The capabilities of this model are tested by the use of multiyearly averaged January and July sea surface air temperature fields, sea level pressure fields and wind fields which can be diagnosed from the pressure fields. The results show that the simulated ocean surface currents and in undercurrents the second layer in winter and summer are close to the observation.
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