热带海洋珍珠贝类立克次体病研究 Ⅳ.组织细胞病理学研究
Studies on Rickettsia-like organism disease of tropical marine pearl oyster, Pincada maxima and P. fucata Ⅳ.On histo-cytopathology of RLO disease
摘要: 类立克次体(RLO)对大珠母贝和合浦珠母贝具有强烈的致病性,引起基本一致的病理变化.在急性坏死破坏期内,RLO导致外套膜、鳃、消化管、肝胰腺、生殖腺腺管及全身血管内皮系统等多器官组织的变性坏死,使器官组织结构的完整性遭到破坏,破坏程度与RLO包涵体的数目密切相关,而细胞的破坏与细胞内RLO的生长发育及繁殖到大量数目密切相关.鉴于此,将RLO引起的珍珠贝病称为类立克次体病(RLO病).RLO病呈急性变质性炎症和慢性增生性炎症病理,在前者细胞呈现崩解性坏死、溶解性坏死和退变性坏死;在后者存在实质细胞增生和纤维母细胞增生为纤维细胞并形成纤维化.根据炎症病理的发展过程,RLO病可分为急性坏死破坏期和慢性增生修复期.Abstract: The histo-cytopathology of Rickettsialike organism (RLO)disease in marl-cultured pearl oyster, Pinctadu marima and P.Fucnzu with heavy mortalities were studied.Pathogenic Rickettsia-like organism has a marked pathogenicity for P.marimu and P.fucata and leads to similar pathological changes in two pearl oysters.At the histo-cytopathological levels, RLO disease prerented acute alterative inflammation and chronic hyperplastic inflammation.In the course of acute alteration, cytopathological effects in ROL-infected cells may result in cell disintegration, celllytic necrosis and cell degenerative necrosis, therefore the structures of tissues and organs.including mantle,gills,digestive tube,hepatopancreas,gonadial tube and small blood vessels throughout the body, of host were seriously destroyed.The destroyed degree of tissues and organs were associated with the numbers of RLO inclusions in infected host and the cytopathological effects of RLO infection were associated with the intracellular growth.by large numbers of RLO.Cell hyperplasy had two types including the hyperplasy of epithelia or endothelial cells and fibrohlast hyperplasy with fibrosis during chronic hyperplastic inflammation.According to the course of pathological changes RLO disease may be divided into two stages namely acute necrosis and chronic hyperplastic reparation.
Key words:
- Pirwtacla nwrima /
- P. fucata /
- Rickettsia-like organism (RLO)disease /
- histopathology /
- cytopathology
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