Producing condition and evolving progress of the tidal sand bodies in the northern Jiangsu and the southern Huanghai Sea
摘要: 典型钻孔的层序地层、沉积磁组构、碎屑矿物等的分析资料以及古河谷的地质雷达探测资料等的综合研究表明,苏北南黄海潮成沙体是全新世海退以来形成的,辐聚辐散的潮流和长江、黄河的供沙是其主要发育条件.辐聚辐散的潮流场是南黄海固有的,至少在苏北亚近代潮成沙体发育之初就已存在.大河供沙主要发生在全新世海退期,海退前长江不可能向苏北岸外海域大量供沙,更不可能在港岸外形成三角洲.潮成沙体的演变主要受长江、黄河的供沙率控制,大致经历了雏形发育、高速建设、动态调整等3个阶段.Abstract: A comprehensive study, on analyses data of the stratigraphic sequence, magnetic fabric and detrital nuneral of typical cores and geological ladar prosecting, indicates that the tidal sand bodies in the northern Jiangsu and the southern Huanghai Sea have been deposited since the regressive period of Holocene epoch, the convergent-divergent tidal current and silt supplied by longshore current from the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River are chief producing conditions.The convergent-divergent tidal field, which has been existing ever since, at least, initial deposition phase of the subrecent tidal sand body in the northern Jiangsu.is intrinsic for the southern Huanghai Sea.Great river did not supplied silt in the congressive period but the regressive period of Holocene epoch.It is impossible to have a delta in Qianggang.The evolution of the tidal sand bodies was mainly controlled by supply-silt amount per year of the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River, and has undergone three stages:embryonic growing stage, developing stage and adjusting stage.
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