Temporal and spatial characteristics of aerosols over the East China Sea
摘要: 通过对中国近海10个航次气溶胶观测资料的统计分析得出:(1)从黄海、东海至日本以南海域气溶胶中地壳元素年平均浓度明显减小,在春季尘暴多发期间地壳元素浓度离到岸距离接指数规律递减.污染元素气溶胶浓度分布与陆源排放量和离岸距离有一定关系.(2)海上陆源气溶胶浓度的季节分布为:春季最大,秋冬次之,夏季最小.受日本排放源的影响,日本以南海域污染元素浓度最大值出现在冬季.(3)Se元素浓度与海洋源密切相关.海盐元素从黄海、东海至日本以南海域浓度逐渐增加,主要受周围海况影响,与风速呈现一定程度的正相关.影响近海气溶胶浓度的主要因素有陆源气溶胶排放量、降水分布和大尺度天气形势.Abstract: The temporal and spatial distributions of aerosols were investigated by using aerosol data collected over the East China Sea. The main results are as follows:Due to the influence of Asian continent, the distinct temporal and spatial distributions of crustal and pollution elements were presented. Their concentrations decreased from the Huanghai Sea, the East China Sea to the northwest of the Pacific Ocean. In the spring, the concentrations of crustal elements decreased with their distance to the coast in an exponential decay pattern. The pollution element concentrations depended mainly on their continent sources and distances from continent. The seasonal pattern of crustal and pollution element concentrations indicated that they were the highest in the spring, moderate in the autumn and winter, the lowest in the summer. The principal factors to determine the seasonal variations of atmospheric aerosols from continental source were the intensity of their continental source, the amount and distrihution of rainfall. and the large scale weather situation.
Key words:
- Aerosol /
- temporal and spatial distrihution /
- the East China Sea
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