Fatigue reliability-based optimum design of a simple offshore platform based on evolutionary algorithms
摘要: 分别用进化计算中的遗传算法和进化规划进行了简易海洋平台基于非线性疲劳损伤模型的疲劳可靠性优化设计.计算结果表明了计算模型的可靠性以及遗传算法和进化规划解决结构疲劳可靠性优化设计的有效性,并对两种优化算法进行了比较和讨论。Abstract: A nonlinear fatigue damage model is investigated.Both genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming are applied to the fatigue reliability-based optimum design of a simple offshore platform.The reliability of the fatigue damage model and the effectiveness of genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming which are used are shown by the results of optimum design.Some characteristics of genetic algorithms and evolutionary programming are discussed.
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