The Relationship between porosity of sea bed sediment and sound velocity
摘要: 给出大陆架海底沉积层中声速(压缩波)Vp依赖于沉积物孔隙度n的一个新的经验公式,该公式当n=100时,Vp=V0,V0为海底水声速.公式的计算值与我国周边大陆架测量值吻合较好,并将其结果与国内外成果作了对比讨论.Abstract: A new experiential formula of the relationship between the sound velocity Vp Ccompressional wave)in the sea-floor sediments of the continental shelf and its porosity n is given.When n=100,Vp=V0,V0 is sound velocity of sea water closed to sea bed.Experimental results on continental shelf of China neighborhood obtained by this formula are better than those of other formulae.
Key words:
- Sea bed sediment /
- physical parameters /
- sound velocity
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