Model calculation of air-sea heat fluxes over ocean area near China
摘要: 应用美国宇航局Goddard地球观测系统四维资料同化系统计算和分析了近海海域感热通量和潜热通量的季节性变化规律和地理分布特征.结果表明,近海各季感热通量冬、秋季较大,春、夏季较小.其地理分布特点是冬季感热通量的分布随纬度变化十分明显,纬度越高感热通量越大,且等值线分布密集.在台湾以东、日本以南海域,感热通量等值线呈西南一东北走向.在南海海域,感热通量比周围海域略低,感热通量等值线在该海域呈一低值倒槽分布;潜热通量冬、秋季在台湾东北部、日本南部和东南部海域形成最大值区,等值线呈西南东北走向.春、夏季在黄海海域存在潜热通量的极小值区,同时春季在日本南部海域存在潜热通量的极大值区或最大值区.因为台湾以东、日本以南海域正好是黑潮流经的区域,所以此海域的热通量与黑潮有密切关系.Abstract: The sensible and latent heat fluxes over the ocean area near China were calculated and analyzed by using the Uoddard Earth Observing System (GEOS)-Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation System (DAS).The calculated results showed that the sensible heat flux had its large value in winter and autumn,small value in spring and summer over the ocean area near China.In winter,the sensible heat flux increased distinctly with latitulle,and its isolines were very crowded.Over the ocean area east of Taiwan and south of Japan,the direction of isoline was from southwest to northeast.In the South China Sea,the sensible heat flux was lower than that of surrounding ocean areas,and its isoline was distributed into a type of an inverted trough.In autumn and winter,the maximum center of latent heat flux appeared over the ocean area northeast of Taiwan and south and southeast of Japan,meanwhile,the isoline was in the direction of southwest to northeast.In spring and summer,the latent heat flux had minimum value in the Huanghai Sea: At the same time,the maximum value center of latent heat flux appeared over the ocean area south of Japan in spring.
Key words:
- GEUS DAS system /
- the ocean area near China /
- sensible heat flux /
- latent heat flux
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