中国近海浮游介形类大尺度生态研究 Ⅴ.浮游介形类群落生境地理位置的季节性变迁
Ecological study of Ostracoda in large-scale range in near seas of China Ⅴ. Seasonal difference of geographic location on community habitat of Ostracoda
摘要: 综合分析黑潮、南海暖流、黄海冷水团、对马暖流、闽浙沿岸流、粤东沿岸流、季风和径流对中国近海影响的季节性差异,从而导致中国近海浮游介形类的群落生境地理位置随之进行季节性的变迁。本文选择差异甚大的夏、冬两季进行分析。Abstract: Seasonal differences were analysed comprehensively based on the informations with obvious difference between summer and winter on the effect of Kuroshio, South China Sea Warm Current, Huanghai Sea Cold Water Mass, Tsushima Warm Current,coastal current in Fujian and Zhejiang, coastal current in East Guangdong, seasonal wind and runoff to near seas of China. It is shown that the difference brings about the seasonal changes of geographic location on community habitat of Ostracoda.
Key words:
- Ostracoda /
- community habitat /
- season /
- geographic location
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