Comparison between activity of digestive enzymes in Pagrosomus major larva, juvenile and young fish in summer and winter
摘要: 通过夏、冬两季真鲷仔、稚、幼鱼蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶活性的变化研究表明,夏、冬两季3种消化酶变化趋势基本相似。蛋白酶的活性冬季比夏季低1个数量级;淀粉酶的活性冬季比夏季低1倍左右;脂肪酶的活性冬季高于夏季,且一直维持在相对稳定的水平。结果表明,3种酶活性受温度影响外,冬季脂肪酶的高活性对鱼苗的生长、成活具有重要意义。Abstract: Compared with the specific activity of protease, amylase and lipase in Pagrosomus major larva, juvenile and young fish in summer and winter, the result suggests that the changes of activity of the three enzymes were general similar. The activity of protease in winter was lower a grade of ten than that in summer; the activity of amylase in winter was.lower about twice than that in summer. This was possibly caused by temperature. The activity of lipase in winter was not only higher than that in summer, but kept in a relative stable level. It was suggested that the activity of lipase would make an important role in the growth and survival of the fish fry in winter.
Key words:
- Pagrosomus major larva /
- juvenile /
- young fish /
- digestive enzyme /
- summer
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