Adhesion of foulings on surface free energy of silicone rubber coatings
摘要: 随着海洋生态环境保护和防止海洋生物污损的要求,人们试图用具有特殊表面性能的涂层取代有毒涂层来减弱或消除海生物的附着。本文通过对含有机硅防污涂层表面能的测量计算,探讨了涂层表面能各分量对附着生物的影响。实验结果表明,在表面能低色散分量的含有机硅涂层上,随涂层与水的相互作用力分量减小,绿藻和玻璃海鞘的污损增加。Abstract: All antifouling paints in use today are effective because toxic ingredients based on heavy metals are included in their formulation, the environmental effects of organotins in seawater have been a topic of much interest and concern in recent years. This study has found that the material of rich silicone rubber on coating surfacebased on the low dispersive component of surface energy makes barnacle settling on them unable to attach permanently and could be removed by moving water,the material permitted only small amounts of fouling to attach, such as algae, ciona intestinalis,because the high polar interaction of coating surface may be absorb water so that water film was formed in sea,and cause very low adhesion of the fouling species.
Key words:
- Coating /
- low free energy /
- antifouling
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