真鲷 /
稚鱼 /
消化酶 /
活性 /
Forty old Pagrosomus major juvenile had been feeded with Brachionus plicatilis、Limmodrillus、Harpodon nehereus gruel and plant mixed diet respectively for 2 d.Then,the specific activity of protease was the highest in juvenile feeded with Brachionus plicatilis,the second with Harpodon nehereus,the non-activity with Limmodrillus and mixed diet.The specific activity of α-amylase was the highest with mixd diet,the second with Brachionus plicatilis and Harpodon nehereus,the lowest with Limmodrillus.The specific activity of lipase was the highest with mixed diet,the second with Brachionus plicatilis and Limmodrillus,the lowest with harpodon nehereus.It was suggested that Limmodrillus and plant protein were not fit to Pagrosomus major juvenile,the activity of α-amylase was reduced distinctly by food,the activity of lipase was negative related with fat amount contained in food.