于1996年12月至1997年1月在实验室内研究了温度对墨西哥湾扇贝(Argopecten irradians concentricus)的耗氧率和排泄(NH4-N)率的影响,实验在投饵后6h,静水(盐度32)条件下进行,溶氧量和氨氮量分别采用Winkler滴定法和次溴酸盐氧化法测定.实验结果表明,在实验温度(10~31℃)条件下,不同规格(壳高1.6~4.8cm,软体部干重0.0342~0.6908g)的墨西哥湾扇贝耗氧率的总平均值为2.35mg/(g·h).排泄率总平均值为350.89μg/(g·h).墨西哥湾扇见的耗氧量和排氧量都与扇贝体重呈明显的幂函数关系.在10~28℃范围内,不同规格的扇贝耗氧率都随温度的升高而增加;当水温继续升高到31℃时,耗氧率反而下降.在实验温度(10~31℃)条件下,扇贝的排泄率随着温度的升高而增加,温度对墨西哥湾扇贝的耗氧率和排泄率的影响都可用指数方程表示.本实验证实,高温(31℃)将进一步提高墨西哥湾扇贝蛋白质的代谢水平.耗氧量(O)和排氨量(N)与温度(t)、扇贝软体部干重(W)二元线性回归方程分别为:O=-587.804+36.787t+1697.864W;N=-92.344 9+4.534 1t+276.781 8W.复相关系数r分别为0.880 6和0.8035 ; F检验表明,两个回归方程均极显著(F>F0.01).
墨西哥湾扇贝 /
温度 /
耗氧率 /
Effects of temperature on oxygen consumption rate and ammonia-N excretion rate of the Southern Bay scallop Argopecten irradians ceucoutricus (1.6-4.8 cm in shell height,0.039 2-0.690 8 g in dry weight of soft tissue) were studied in laboratory from Dec.30,1996 to Jan.28,1997.Under the controlled conditions of ambient temperature 10-31℃ and salinity 32,the concentration of dissolved oxygen and ammonia-N were determined by the Winkler method and the hypobromite method respectively.Results show that the range of oxygen consumption rate was from 1.06 to 5.18 mg/ (g·h),mean of 2.35 mg/(g·h).The relationship between oxygen consumption quantity(mg/h)and dry weight of soft-tissue (g) can be represented by the allometric equation O=aWb,b value was 0.748 2-0.937 3.The oxygen consumption rate increased with temperature increasing at 10-28℃,but reduced at 31℃.Effect of temperature on oxygen consumption rate (10-28℃) can be described by Os=r1er2t,r,the correlation coefficient was 0.194 0-0.944 0.The range of ammonia-N excretion rate was from 111.28 to 791.91 μg/(g·h),mean of 350.89 μg/(g·h).The relationship between ammonia-N excretion quantity (p.g/h) and dry weight of soft tissue can also be represented as the allometric equation:N=cWd,and d value was 0.765 4-0.852 8.The ammonia-N excretion rate increased at the temperature from 10℃ to 31℃,and the impact of temperature on ammonia-N excretion rate can be represented by Na=q1eq2t.r was 0.877 2-0.967 2.It is indicated that high temperature (31℃)can improve the level of protein metabolism in this experiment.The linear regression relationships among oxygen consumption quantity and temperature and dry weight of soft tissue can be described by O=-252.780+25.624t+1 509.917W,and ammonia-N excretion quantity by N=-38.758+2.794t+175.228W.the multiple r were 0.880 6 and 0.803 5,respectively.