Study on fish community structure in the Zhujiang estuary and adjacent waters
摘要: 根据1986~1987年珠江口及邻近水域底拖网鱼类采样资料,运用系统聚类与排序等多元分析方法和群落多样性指数,研究该水域鱼类群落结构及其与环境因素的关系,分析结果把该水域鱼类划分为淡水、河口和沿岸3个群落,分别位于莲花山,虎门河道、珠江河口伶仃洋和珠江口浅海水域,各群落结构组成呈沿盐度梯度而成带分布的格局.淡水群落结构简单稳定,沿岸群落结构比较复杂,河口群落受水动力过程和生物活动影响最大,群落结构的季节变化较为显着.Abstract: Based on data of demersal trawl samples from 1987 to 1988 in the Zhujiang estuary and adjacent waters relationships between fish community and environmental factors were studied by using classification,MDS ordination and several community parameters.The results showed that the distribution of fish species was zoned with salinity and divided into three types.The fresh water community which was restricted in the Lianhua Mountain-Humen waterway was simple and stable,the coastal community which lived in the shallow waters was complex,and the estuary community which was identified in the Lingdingyang areas and affected by physical and ecological process more greatly had obvious seasonal variations.
Key words:
- Zhujiang estuary /
- fish community structure /
- ordination /
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