Chlorophyll a maximum distribution and variabilityesin the northern East China Sea
摘要: 本文利用《中日黑潮合作调查研究(1986-1992)》的资料着重研究东海北部叶绿素a极大值在水平方向上的分布和季节变化规律等.研究表明,东海北部水动力环境,诸如锋面涡、海洋锋和上升流等等是促成叶绿素a极大值分布变化的重要环境因素.文中特别指出叶绿素a密集区离锋面远近的位置与锋面流速的跃变程度呈现一元线性负相关,可以通过此相关式来估计叶绿素a密集区的位置.Abstract: In this paper,the horizontal distributions and seasonal variabilities of the chlorophyll a maximum in the northern East China Sea are studied using the observation data during the SinoJapan Joint investigation and study on the Kuroshio (1986-1992).It is shown from the study that the hydrodynamic conditions in the northern East China Sea,such as frontal eddy,oceanic front and upwelling are important environmental factorsto result in the chlorophyll a maximum distributions and variations.It is especially pointed out that the distance from the high chlorophyll a value area to the frontal surface shows a negative correlsation with the current speed gradient in the frontal area,and the location of the high chlorophyll a value area can be estimated by using the correlation.
Key words:
- East China Sea /
- chlorophyll a /
- environmental factor
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