Analysis of typhoon Betty 1987 on sea surface wind and wave overthe western Pacific using Geosat altimetric data
摘要: 本文以Geosat卫星高度计1987年8月11日在西太平洋海域上的-上升轨道测得的风、浪资料为基础,统计分析了8708号台风影响下的海面风速和海浪特征.结果显示,此次台风影响下的海面风速和海浪波高的空间分布具有相对台风中心近似对称的结构特征,但在台风内区,台风移动方向的右方风速较左方风速增加较快,同时在台风外围,右方风速较左方风速衰减也较快;有效波高没有明显的内、外区结构,且左、右方波高随距离变化也呈不同的衰减率;风速与有效波高的关系在台风中心左右也呈现明显的不同;本文给出了台风的风速及波高随相对台风中心距离变化的经验关系式,以及合风风速与波高的经验关系式等.Abstract: Based on the Ueosat altimetric data of an ascending orbit over the western Pacific on August 11,1987,the features of sea surface wind and wave under the influence of typhoon Betty are analyzed.It is shown that the spatial distributions of wind speed and wave height are asymmetric to the center of the typhoon.In the direction of the typhoon movement,the wind speed in the right quadrant increased more rapidly than that in the left within the inner area of the typhoon,while in the outer area the former also decreased more rapidly than the latter.However,unlike the wind speed,the spatial distribution of wave height has no obvious division between inner and outer areas.The wave height in the left and right quadrant shows the different distributions with the distance increasing to the typhoon center.The relationships between wind speed and wave height in the right and the left quadrant are obviously different.The empirical formulas are established on the variations in wind speed and wave height with the distance to the typhoon center and on the relationship between wind speed and wave heieht.
Key words:
- Geosat satellite altimeter /
- typhoon /
- Sea surface wind speeds and wave heights /
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