Assessment of trend and impacts of sea level rise in the Liaohe River Delta
Abstract:Tidal records indicates that the relative sea level in the Liaohe River Delta and on the eastern coast of the Liaodong Bay leas risen at a rate of 5mm/a over the last 40-50 years.Considering the continuous tectonic land subsidence and the accelerated global sea level rise in the future,the amplitude of the relative sea level rice till 2050 will be 10-55cm.The land loss induced by relative sea level rise in scenarios of 0.5m and 1 m is calculated by using TM image interpretation and GIS techniques.If it is not protected,the deltaic area to be inundated will be about 4 000 and 5 000 km2 in the case of the relative sea level rise at 0.5m and 1 m respectively.The impacts of sea level rise on coastal erosion,storm surge and flood are also assessed.
Key words:
- Sea level rise /
- the Liaodong Bay /
- the Liaohe River Delta /
- coastal management
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