Remote sensing composite information of the Nansha reef’s closed atoll and model of its spatial structure evolution──Ⅰ
摘要: 就南沙群岛封闭环礁发育生长及其区域局限性的特征,与其所表观的遥感信息进行了复合分析.随后,以封闭环礁形成的机制、发育规律与时-空分布,建立了封闭环礁概念化一遥感系统,并以该系统对封闭与准封闭环礁的信息函数值、均衡度值求解,对两类环礁发育形态进行拓扑分析,由此为封闭与准封闭环礁演化的可比性模型提供基础依据.Abstract: Based on the feature of the growtn and the local limitation of the Nansha reef's closed atoll, also the related remote sensing information of it,the composite analysis is made.The closed atoll conception mote sensing system is construted through the formation mechanism,development law and the space-time tribution of the closed atoll.Solution of the equation consisting of information function value and isostatic value of closed atoll and half-closed atoll using this system,and topologic analysis on the two kinds of atoll's morphologic growth are the basic foundation for the research of their evolutionary comparative model.
Key words:
- Nansha reefs /
- closed atoll /
- evolution /
- remote sensorg /
- model
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