Anomalous eastward displacement of the western tropical Pacific warm pool and warming of the eastern tropical Pacific
摘要: 本文利用“Climate Diagnostics Bulletin”、“Oceanographic Monthly Summary”、美国夏威夷水位中心提供的资料以及TOGA-COAREIOP资料,分析了1992~1993厄尔尼诺事件中西太平洋暖池、东太平洋SST对异常风场的响应,结果指出:由于西风暴发而引起的西太平洋暖水向东输送,不仅导致西太平详水位降低,而且导致温跃层显着升高,进而引起上层海水热含量显着减少,这种减少在温跃层更为明显.东太平洋与此相反,热含量与温跃层深度出现正距平,正距平中心出现时间比西太平洋的负距平均晚两个月;暖池28℃等温线的异常东伸是海流对低空西风异常直接响应的结果,定量估算表明,纬向流异常所引起的温度平流是暖池28℃等温线异常东伸的主要动力,是热带东太平洋异常增温的主要原因之一.Abstract: Based on the data from the Climate Diagnostics Bulletin,Oceanographic Monthly Summary,UH Sea Level Center and T()GA-CUARE IUP.the response of warm pool in the western tropical Pacific and the eastern tropital Pacific SST to the anomalous wind field during 1992/1993 El Nino has been analyzed.The recults show that the eastward transport of warm water of the western tropical Pacific due to the westerly wind burst leads nor only to a drop of sea level but also to a rise of thermocline in the western tropical Pacific.Conseyuently the heat content in upper layer water decreasese especially in the thermocline.Contrary to this,the positive anomalies of heat content and thermocline depth appear in the eastern tropical Pacific.The positive anomalies in the eastern Pacific lag the negative ones in the western Pacific by two months;The anomalous eastward shift of warm pool (2℃ isotherm) is a direct response of ocean current to westerly wind anomalies in low-level atmosphere;Quantitative calculations show that the thermal advection caused by anomalous ocean current is the main force of anomalous eastward displacement of the warm pool (28℃ isotherm) and the one of main causes for anomalous warming of the eastern tropical Pacific.
Key words:
- Warm pool /
- westerly wind burst /
- thermal advection /
- warming /
- EI Nino
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