Investigation on numerical modelling of spill oil movementin sea ice infested waters
摘要: 提出了寒冷海域溢油运动短期数值模型,其中海冰运动预报模型针对不同海冰密集度的本构关系亦不同,在近岸及密集度较高的冰带采用基于连续介质理论的粘塑性本构关系;在冰边缘密集度较低的冰带采用基于离散介质理论的碰撞本构关系计算冰内力;溢油运动预报模型包括连续冰盖及高、中、低密集度冰场中溢油的漂移和扩展过程的预报.模拟计算结果表明模型的建立是合理的.该模型可用于事故溢油预报,为溢油的围收治理提供依据.Abstract: A numerical model of spill oil movement for those waters with sea ice is presented in the paper.In description of the sea ice movement in the model,different constitution laws of the sea ice are employed to estimate sea ice forces according to its compactness:a visco-plastic model, which is based on the continuous medium theory, is accepted for the nearshore areas with high compactness of sea ice;and a collision model is used for those marginal areas with low compactness of sea ice, which is based on the discret medium theory.In the prediction models of spill oil drifting/spreading movements the following situations of sea ice are considered:sea ice with low, middle and high compactness,respectively, in addition to that in an integral ice cover.The results of simulation calculations by using the model indicated its correctness and applicability in prediction of the potential influence in a cold region offshore oil spill accident.
Key words:
- Sea ice drifting /
- spill oil drifting /
- spill oil spreading
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