Ecological characteristics of phytoplankton community from eutrophic waters in the Maluan Bay
摘要: 分析研究了两轮调查(1992-05-1993-01、1993-08-1994-05)期间的10航次采样.结果表明厦门马銮湾富营养化水域的浮游植物具有种类少(仅发现66种)、丰度高(网采密度:21386×104-110136×104个/m3;水采样品密度:1150.7/cm3;叶绿素a平均含量达6.67mg/m3)和种类多样度(H')、均匀度(J)都较低(分别仅为0.78和0.28)等特点.浮游植物细胞密度的时空波动显着,且主要受羽纹硅藻柔弱菱形藻(Nitzxhia delicatissima)支配,并与PO43--P和COD等密切相关.Abstract: The present study is based on the analysis of the data collected in ten cruises during the periods of two surveys (from May 1992 to Jan.1993 and from Aug.1993 to May 1994).The results show that the number of phytoplankton species in highly eutrophic waters of Maluan Bay is less,only 66 species in total and 6~35 species for each cruise.The phytoplankton abundance is high.The mean cell density of phytoplankton from the net samples and the water samples reached 21 386×104cell/m3 (from May 1992 to Jan.1993) to 110 136×104cell/m3(from Aug.1993 to May 1994) and 1 150.7 cell/cm3 respectively.The mean concentration of chlorophyll a reached 6.67 mg/m3.Both the species diversity (H')and evenness (J) were low, on 0.78 and 0.28 respectively.The temporal and spatial fluctuation of the cell density of phytoplankton was quite significant,that was dominated mainly by the pennate diatom Nitzschia delicatissima which often occurried abundantly in closed waters riched in organic matter and could be taken as an ecologic indicator of highly eutrophic harbour.The existence of good correlation between the cell density of Nitzschia delicatissima and some environmental variables (e.g.PO43--P and COD etc.)and the heterotrophic tendancy of the species are also discussed.
Key words:
- Eutrophication /
- phytoplankton community /
- marine ecology /
- Xiamen
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